Rui Borges

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Assignment 3

Detecting positive selection

In this assignment, you will determine whether your sequences evolve under positive selection by employing an LRT test between the M7 and M8 models. Please note that analyses will not run if stop codons are present in your multiple sequence alignment. Make sure to delete them before running codeml. For these assignment you should use the Bayesian phylogenetic tree obtained in the assignment 2. You can delete the branch lengths by opening this tree in Seaview and saving it as a cladogram.

  1. Determine the average omega under the M7 and M8 models. Briefly explain how did you obtain such values. Also, indicate the proportion of positively selected sites and the corresponding omega value for such category of sites. Which model did you use to assess such parameters?

  2. Are your sequences evolving under positive selection at a level of 0.05? Instead of comparing the critical value with the LRT, assess significance using a p-value. Please provide a table including the model likelihoods, number of parameters, degrees of freedom and the resulting LRT value.

  3. Search your gene’s function (or functions) on public databases and the scientific literature. Please, indicate your sources in your answer. Based on the best fitting model obtained in the previous question and the function of your gene, suggest a possible biological explanation why your gene is evolving under negative or positive selection. Justify your answer adequately.

Some notes: