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MY orcid: 0000-0002-5905-3778
Borges, R., Kotari, I., Chase, M., Bergman, J., Mugal, C., and Kosiol, C. (2022). Traditional phylogenetic models are insensitive to variations in the effective population size. BioRxiv
Borges, R., Boussau, B., Höhna, S., Pereira, R. J., and Kosiol, C. (2022). Polymorphism-aware estimation of species trees and evolutionary forces from genomic sequences with RevBayes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00:1-8
Borges, R., Boussau, B., Szöllősi, G. J., and Kosiol, C. (2022). Nucleotide usage biases distort inferences of the species tree. Genome Biology and Evolution, 14:1
Barido-Sottani, J., Justison, J. A., Borges, R., Brown, J. M., Dismukes, W., Petrucci, B. D. R., Fabreti, L. G., Höhna, S., Landis, M. J., Lewis, P. O., May, M. R., Mendes, F. K., Pett, W., Redelings, B. D., Tribble, C. M., Wright, A. M., Zenil-Ferguson, R., and Heath, T. A. (2022). Lessons learned from organizing and teaching virtual phylogenetics workshops. Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists, 1
Borges, R., Barata, C., and Kosiol, C. (2020). Bait-er: a Bayesian method to detect targets of selection in evolve-and-resequence experiments. BioRxiv
Borges, R. and Kosiol, C. (2020). Consistency and identifiability of the polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 486:110074
Gomes, C., Mendes, T., Borges, R., Guarneri, I., Marchi, I., Guilhermino, L., Vasconcelos, V., Riccardi, N., and Antunes, A. (2020). The genetic diversity of two invasive sympatric bivalves (Corbicula fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha) from lakes garda and maggiore, northern Italy. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 46:225–229
Turakhia, Y., Maio, N. D., Thornlow, B., Gozashti, L., Lanfear, R., Walker, C. R., Hinrichs, A. S., Fernandes, J. D., Borges, R., Slodkowicz, G., Weilguny, L., Haussler, D., Goldman, N., and Corbett-Detig, R. (2020). Stability of sars-cov-2 phylogenies. PloS Genetics, 16:e1009175
Maio, N. D., Walker, C., Borges, R., Weilguny, L., Slodkowicz, G., and Goldman, N. (2020). Issues with sars-cov-2 sequencing data. virological.org
De Maio, N., Walker, C., Borges, R., Weilguny, L., Slodkowicz, G., and Goldman, N. (2020). Masking strategies for sars-cov-2 alignments. virological.org
Borges, R., Szöllősi, G., and Kosiol, C. (2019). Quantifying GC-biased gene conversion in great ape genomes using polymorphism-aware models. Genetics, 212(4):1321-1336
Borges, R., Machado, J. P., Gomes, C., Rocha, A. P., and Antunes, A. (2019). Measuring phylogenetic signal between categorical traits and phylogenies. Bioinformatics, 35:1862–1869
Vlachos, C., Burny, C., Pelizzola, M., Borges, R., Futschik, A., Kofler, R., and Schlötterer, C. (2019). Benchmarking software tools for detecting and quantifying selection in evolve and resequencing studies. Genome Biology, 20:169
Borges, R., Fonseca, J., Gomes, C., Johnson, W. E., O’Brien, S. J., Zhang, G., Gilbert, M. T. P., Jarvis, E. D., and Antunes, A. (2019). Avian binocularity and adaptation to nocturnal environments: Genomic insights from a highly derived visual phenotype. Genome Biology and Evolution, 11:2244–2255
Borges, R., Johnson, W. E., O’Brien, S. J., Gomes, C., Heesy, C. P., and Antunes, A. (2018). Adaptive genomic evolution of opsins reveals that early mammals flourished in nocturnal environments. BMC Genomics, 19:121
Gomes, C., Sousa, R., Mendes, T., Borges, R., Vilares, P., Vasconcelos, V., Guilhermino, L., and Antunes, A. (2016). Low genetic diversity and high invasion success of corbicula fluminea (bivalvia, corbiculidae) (Müller, 1774) in portugal. PloS One, 11:e0158108
Borges, R., Khan, I., Johnson, W. E. W., Gilbert, M. T. P., Zhang, G., Jarvis, E. E. D., O’Brien, S. J., and Antunes, A. (2015). Gene loss, adaptive evolution and the co-evolution of plumage coloration genes with opsins in birds. BMC genomics, 16:1–13
Zhang, G., Li, C., Li, Q., Li, B., Larkin, D. M., Lee, C., Storz, J. F., Antunes, A., Greenwold, M. J., Meredith, R. W., Odeen, A., Cui, J., Zhou, Q., Xu, L., Pan, H., Wang, Z., Jin, L., Zhang, P., Hu, H., Yang, W., Hu, J., Xiao, J., Yang, Z., Liu, Y., Xie, Q., Yu, H., Lian, J., Wen, P., Zhang, F., Li, H., Zeng, Y., Xiong, Z., Liu, S., Zhou, L., Huang, Z., An, N., Wang, J., Zheng, Q., Xiong, Y., Wang, G., Wang, B., Wang, J., Fan, Y., da Fonseca, R. R., Alfaro-Nunez, A., Schubert, M., Orlando, L., Mourier, T., Howard, J. T., Ganapathy, G., Pfenning, A., Whitney, O., Rivas, M. V., Hara, E., Smith, J., Farre, M., Narayan, J., Slavov, G., Romanov, M. N., Borges, R., Machado, J. P., Khan, I., Springer, M. S., Gatesy, J., Hoffmann, F. G., Opazo, J. C., Hastad, O., Sawyer, R. H., Kim, H., Kim, K.-W., Kim, H. J., Cho, S., Li, N., Huang, Y., Bruford, M. W., Zhan, X., Dixon, A., Bertelsen, M. F., Derryberry, E., Warren, W., Wilson, R. K., Li, S., Ray, D. A., Green, R. E., O’Brien, S. J., Griffin, D., Johnson, W. E., Haussler, D., Ryder, O. A., Willerslev, E., Graves, G. R., Alstrom, P., Fjeldsa, J., Mindell, D. P., Edwards, S. V., Braun, E. L., Rahbek, C., Burt, D. W., Houde, P., Zhang, Y., Yang, H., Wang, J., Jarvis, E. D., Gilbert, M. T. P., Wang, J., Ye, C., Liang, S., Yan, Z., Zepeda, M. L., Campos, P. F., Velazquez, A. M. V., Samaniego, J. A., Avila-Arcos, M., Martin, M. D., Barnett, R., Ribeiro, A. M., Mello, C. V., Lovell, P. V., Almeida, D., Maldonado, E., Pereira, J., Sunagar, K., Philip, S., Dominguez-Bello, M. G., Bunce, M., Lambert, D., Brumfield, R. T., Sheldon, F. H., Holmes, E. C., Gardner, P. P., Steeves, T. E., Stadler, P. F., Burge, S. W., Lyons, E., Smith, J., McCarthy, F., Pitel, F., Rhoads, D., and Froman, D. P. (2014). Comparative genomics reveals insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation. Science, 346:1311–1320
Borges, R., Johnson, W. E., O’Brien, S. J., Vasconcelos, V., and Antunes, A. (2012). The role of gene duplication and unconstrained selective pressures in the melanopsin gene family evolution and vertebrate circadian rhythm regulation. PloS One, 7:e52413