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In this session, we will perform Bayesian phylogenetic inference with the polymorphism-aware phylogenetic models. We will learn about the virtual PoMos and how we can account for nucleotide usage bias likely present in our data sets while inferring phylogenetic trees.
In this tutorial, we will infer the evolutionary history of 12 great apes populations. The data was taken from Prado-Martinez (2013), and in this tutorial, we will be using a toy example of only 1000 sites.
First of all, create a folder called Session_3 and download the following files into it.
Inside this folder, create two more: one called data and another called output.
The first step in this tutorial is to convert the allelic counts into PoMo states. We will be using the sampled-weighted strategy to correct for sampling errors. The script weighted_sampled_method.cpp
is implemented in C++, and we will run it using the Rcpp package in R. Open the counts_to_pomo_states_converter.R
file and make the appropriate changes to obtain your PoMo alignments suited for PoMoTwo and PoMoThree. As we will be using the virtual PoMos Two and Three, the virtual population sizes are 2 and 3.
count_file <- "count_file.txt" # count file
n_alleles <- 4 # the four nucleotide bases A, C, G and T
N <- 10 # virtual population size
alignment <- counts_to_pomo_states_converter(count_file,n_alleles,N)
Place the produced alignments inside the data folder. Your files should resemble these ones:
Open the terminal and place it on your working directory Session_3. Make sure your RevBayes executable (i.e., ./rb
or ./rb-mpi
) is inside the Session_3 folder. Run RevBayes by typing ./rb
(or ./rb-mpi
) in the console. Open the great_apes_pomothree.Rev
file using an appropriate text editor. First load in the PoMo alignment using the readCharacterDataDelimited
function. This function requires you to input the number of expected states: 10 for PoMoTwo and 16 for PoMoThree.
data <- readCharacterDataDelimited("data/great_apes_pomothree_naturalnumbers.txt", stateLabels=16, type="NaturalNumbers", delimiter=" ", headers=FALSE)
Information about the alignment can be obtained by typing data
NaturalNumbers character matrix with 12 taxa and 1000 characters
Number of taxa: 12
Number of included taxa: 12
Number of characters: 1000
Number of included characters: 1000
Datatype: NaturalNumbers
Next, we will specify some useful variables based on our dataset: these include, the number of taxa, taxa names and number of branches. We will need that information for setting up our model in subsequent steps.
n_taxa <- data.ntaxa()
n_branches <- 2*n_taxa-3
taxa <- data.taxa()
Additionally, we set up a variable that holds all the moves and monitors for our analysis. Recall that moves are algorithms used to propose new parameter values during the MCMC simulation. Monitors print the values of model parameters to the screen and/or log files during the MCMC analysis.
moves = VectorMoves()
monitors = VectorMonitors()
Estimating an unrooted tree under the virtual PoMos requires specifying two main components:
A given PoMo model is defined by its corresponding instantaneous-rate matrix, Q
. PoMoTwo and PoMoThree have three free parameters in common: the population size N
, the allele frequencies pi
, and the exchangeabilities rho
. PoMoThree additionally includes the allele fitnesses phi
, as it accounts for selection. In this tutorial, we want our model to capture the action of GC-bias gene conversion. For that, we define the gamma
, which represents the GC-bias rate. The allele fitnesses phi
of G and C will thus be represented by gamma
, while those of A and T by 1.0.
is taken as a fixed value, and we set it to 10 to simplify the analyses. We could have fixed this value to 10 000 for the great apes or even consider it following a particular distribution.
# population size
N <- 10
Since pi
, rho
, and gamma
are stochastic variables, we need to specify a move to propose updates to them. A good move on variables drawn from a Dirichlet distribution (i.e., pi
) is the mvBetaSimplex
. This move randomly takes an element from the allele frequencies vector pi
, proposes a new value for it drawn from a Beta distribution, and then rescales all values to sum to 1 again. The weight option inside the moves specifies how often the move will be applied either on average per iteration or relative to all other moves.
# allele frequencies
pi_prior <- [1,1,1,1]
pi ~ dnDirichlet(pi_prior)
moves.append( mvBetaSimplex(pi, weight=2) )
The rho
and gamma
parameters must be a positive real number, and a natural choice as the prior distribution is the exponential one. Again, we need to specify a move for these stochastic variables, and a simple scaling move mvScale
typically works. Notice that phi
is deterministic node that depends on the GC-bias rate gamma
# exchangeabilities
for (i in 1:6){
rho[i] ~ dnExponential(10.0)
moves.append(mvScale( rho[i], weight=2 ))
# fitness coefficients
gamma ~ dnExponential(1.0)
moves.append(mvScale( gamma, weight=2 ))
phi := [1.0,gamma,gamma,1.0]
The functions fnReversiblePoMoTwo4N
and fnReversiblePoMoThree4N
will create an instantaneous-rate matrix.
# rate matrix
Q := fnReversiblePoMoThree4N(N,pi,rho,phi)
The tree topology and branch lengths are stochastic nodes in our phylogenetic model. We will assume that all possible labeled, unrooted tree topologies have equal probability. In the case a unrooted tree topology, we use a nearest-neighbor interchange move mvNNI
(a subtree-prune and regrafting move mvSPR
could also be used).
# topology
topology ~ dnUniformTopology(taxa)
moves.append( mvNNI(topology, weight=2*n_taxa) )
Next, we have to create a stochastic node representing the length of each of the 2*n_taxa−3
branches in our tree. We can do this using a for loop. In this loop, we can create each of the branch-length nodes and assign each move.
# branch lengths
for (i in 1:n_branches) {
branch_lengths[i] ~ dnExponential(10.0)
moves.append( mvScale(branch_lengths[i]) )
Finally, we combine the tree topology and branch lengths. We do this using the treeAssembly
function, which applies the value of the ith member of the branch_lengths
vector to the branch leading to the ith node in the topology. Thus, the psi variable is a deterministic node:
psi := treeAssembly(topology, branch_lengths)
We have fully specified all of the parameters of our phylogenetic model:
.Collectively, these parameters comprise a distribution called the phylogenetic continuous-time Markov chain, and we use the dnPhyloCTMC
function to create this node. This distribution requires several input arguments:
sequences ~ dnPhyloCTMC(psi,Q=Q,type="NaturalNumbers")
Once the PhyloCTMC
model has been created, we can attach our sequence data to the tip nodes in the tree. Although we assume that our sequence data are random variables, they are realizations of our phylogenetic model. For inference purposes, we assume that the sequence data are clamped to their observed values.
When this function is called, RevBayes sets each of the stochastic nodes representing the tree’s tips to the corresponding nucleotide sequence in the alignment. This essentially tells the program that we have observed data for the sequences at the tips.
Finally, we wrap the entire model in a single object. To do this, we only need to give the model
function a single node.
pomo_model = model(pi)
For our MCMC analysis, we need to set up a vector of monitors to record the states of our Markov chain. First, we will initialize the model monitor using the mnModel
function. This creates a new monitor variable that will output the states for all model parameters when passed into an MCMC function. We will sample every 10th iterate, and the resulting file can be found in the output folder.
monitors.append( mnModel(filename="output/great_apes_pomothree.log", printgen=10) )
The mnFile
monitor will record the states for only the parameters passed in as arguments. We use this monitor to specify the output for our sampled trees and branch lengths. Again, we sample every 10th iterate.
monitors.append( mnFile(filename="output/great_apes_pomothree.trees", printgen=10, psi) )
Finally, create a screen monitor that will report the states of specified variables to the screen with mnScreen
. This monitor mostly helps us to see the progress of the MCMC run.
monitors.append( mnScreen(printgen=10) )
With a fully specified model, a set of monitors, and a set of moves, we can now set up the MCMC algorithm that will sample parameter values in proportion to their posterior probability. The mcmc
function will create our MCMC object. Furthermore, we will perform two independent MCMC runs to ensure proper convergence and mixing.
pomo_mcmc = mcmc(pomo_model, monitors, moves, nruns=2, combine="mixed")
Now, run the MCMC. generations=10000 )
When the analysis is complete, you will have the monitored files in your output directory. Programs like Tracer allow evaluating convergence and mixing. Look at the file called output/great_apes_pomothree.log
in Tracer. There you see the posterior distribution of the continuous parameters. If your analyses are taking too long to finish, you can use the following output files:
Apart from the continuous parameters, we need to summarize the trees sampled from the posterior distribution. RevBayes can summarize the sampled trees by reading in the tree-trace file:
trace = readTreeTrace("output/great_apes_pomothree.trees", treetype="non-clock", burnin= 0.2)
The mapTree
function will summarize the tree samples and write the maximum a posteriori (MAP) tree to the specified file. The MAP tree can be found in the output folder.
mapTree(trace, file="output/great_apes_pomothree_MAP.tree" )
Look at the file called output/great_apes_pomothree_MAP.tree
in FigTree. If your analyses are taking too long to finish, you can use the following output MAP trees: